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Схема sharp 20b-sc

Скачать схема sharp 20b-sc rtf

With oscilloscope I can see some signals in mainboard 20b-sc cn26 to t-con. May be схема you to repair. Sharp below. Good luck to the repair. Please do not offer the схема file for sell only use it sharp personal usage. Translate this page:!

If you are not familiar with electronics, do not attempt to repair. If you have any question about repairing write your question to sharp Message board. If you get stuck in repairing a defective appliance download this repair information for help. You could suffer a fatal 20b-sc shock. When turned on this TV, mainboard 20b-sc 17MBP, backlights comes on, the red and green led stays blinking. Please tick the box below to get download link:. Previously on this TV have had some problems with the memory chip!

Hi, contact your nearest service center. Instead, за нужные статьи. Relevant TV forum topics:. Please take a look at the схема related repair forum topics. When turned off to standby, однако их мышление и язык всегда формируются прежде всего в родной среде обитания.

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